Inductance is just an electronic component with direction (phase division) but no distinction between positive and negative polarity. The direction of current flowing through the inductor is different, and the direction of the magnetic field generated around the inductor will not be the same.
In most cases, the inductance is a coil (it may be a piece of wire at UHF), and its polarity is not displayed when used alone, that is, there is no difference between your positive connection and reverse connection. Even if the inductor is connected in series or in parallel, the strong magnetic induction area of ​​the inductor is particularly limited to the place close to the two ends, and the mutual inductance of the inductor is limited, so its polarity is generally not marked.
Of course, if you find a connection in the actual circuit, you can reverse it or change the position to try. If you use two larger inductors like solenoids, pay attention to their polarities.
From the mounting process, we will find that there are patch electrode positions at the bottom; there are electrode positions; we often ask whether this is a positive pole; because it is characterized by energy storage components; the main function is "to pass DC; block AC" ; Normally the inductive type is used in a circuit where capacitors are used together; capacitors are divided into positive and negative poles; but there are pole patch inductors although there are electrode patches; but there is no positive and negative poles.
Note the direction of inductance:
1. Mutual inductance filter and common mode inductor, both have the same-named terminal. Moreover, they have multiple pins. When making this type of inductor, pay attention to the direction of the same-named terminal. Pay attention to the pin position when using it.
2. The three-pin inductor is equivalent to a small transformer with primary and secondary. With three pins, the direction of the pins cannot be installed incorrectly when in use.
3. Coils. Some air-core coils are used for magnetoelectric induction. If the direction is wrong, the direction of magnetic field induction will be different. The direction of current induced to the other party is opposite.
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