This circuit is built around a 4049 hex inverter (U1), a pair of 555 oscillator/timers (U2 and U3), two transistors, a Geiger-Millern tube and a few additional support components. The first 555 (U2) is set to run without steady state. The output of U2 at pin 3 (a series of negative pulses) is going to the parallel inverters (U1-a, U1-b, and U1-c). The forward output pulse of the inverter is to the Q1 gate so that it switches or turns off.
Barium titanate lead-free piezoelectric ceramics are important basic materials for the development of modern science and technology, which was widely used in the manufacture of ultrasonic transducers, underwater acoustic transducers, electroacoustic transducers, ceramic filters, ceramic transformers, ceramic frequency discriminators, high voltage generators, infrared detectors, surface acoustic wave devices, electro-optic devices, ignition and detonation devices, and piezoelectric gyroscope and so on.
Application: military, ocean, fishery, scientific research, mine detection, daily life and other fields.
Piezoelectric Ring,Lead Free Piezoelectric Ring,Piezo Electric Ring,Lead Free Piezo Rings
Zibo Yuhai Electronic Ceramic Co., Ltd. ,