Here we took the STM8L15x series of microcontrollers to use the ADC internal reference voltage to measure the VDD voltage and write the voltage value to the window as an example. (The STM8L uses the ADC internal reference voltage channel to measure the VDD voltage.)
Usart.h header file:
#ifndef _usart_H
#define _usart_H
#include "stm8l15x.h"
Void Usart_Init(void);
Usart.c source files:
#include "usart.h"
Void Usart_Init(void)
CLK_PeripheralClockConfig (CLK_Peripheral_USART1,ENABLE); //Open the USART1 clock
USART_Init (USART1, 9600, USART_WordLength_8b, USART_StopBits_1, USART_Parity_No, USART_Mode_Tx); // USART initialization, baud rate 9600, 8-bit data length, 1 stop bit, no parity bit, transmission mode
#include "stm8l15x.h"
#include "adc.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include "stdio.h"
Int putchar(int data)
USART_SendData8(USART1,(u8)data); //send 8-bit data
While(!USART_GetFlagStatus (USART1,USART_FLAG_TXE));//waits to be sent
Return data;
Int main( void )
U16 adc1_value=0;
Float value=0;
ADC_SoftwareStartConv(ADC1); //Start software conversion
While(!ADC_GetFlagStatus(ADC1,ADC_FLAG_EOC));//wait for conversion to end
ADC_ClearFlag(ADC1,ADC_FLAG_EOC) ;// Clear corresponding flag
Adc1_value=ADC_GetConversionValue(ADC1); //Get converted value
Value=1.225*4096/adc1_value; //unit V
IAR printf output and keil settings are not the same, first of course first include the header file "stdio.h", and then override the putchar function
Perform the following configuration in the IAR development environment:
(1) Right click on Demo-Debug and select opTIon
(2) Change Library ConfiguraTIon to Full in OpTIons
(3) Change the Printf formatter to Large in Library OpTIons
(4) After completing the above settings, compile the entire project, and then download the program to the STM8L15x board and enter the Debug debugging environment. Click View-â€Terminal I/O to bring up the virtual terminal, and then run it all, you can see in the Terminal window. To print information
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