

      新怀旧吊灯 扮靓餐桌

      在这个春天,造型别致的新怀旧吊灯 将是扮靓餐桌的不错选择。黄色的灯光从四周倾泻而下,让冰冷明亮的金属餐具似乎都能迸发出强烈节奏。散布于柜体后的小射灯将光线聚焦于主人从各地淘来的摆件。明黄色、玫瑰色、金色在暖调灯光中跃动着,亚克力、金属、黑橡三种元素构建的餐桌椅与暖色的灯光形成了一种材质与光线的游戏。


      不同造型、色彩、材质的灯能营造出不同的光影效果,展现出不同的居室表情。比如,这款名为贵妃纱的落地灯 ,采用柔软的布艺作为灯罩 ,织布的柔软和垂坠感,宛若贵妃的神秘面纱,柔化了金属支腿的硬朗线条,赋予了客厅一股温馨的格调。




Managed POE Industrial Switches

The POE switch port supports an output power of 15.4W or 30W, in line with the IEEE802.3af/802.3at standard, and supplies power to standard POE terminal equipment through network cable power supply, eliminating the need for additional power wiring. In line with IEEE802.3at POE switch, the port output power can reach 30W, and the power available to the powered device is 25.4W. In layman's terms, a POE switch is a switch that supports network cable power supply. It can not only realize the data transmission function of ordinary switches, but also at the same time. Supply power to the network terminal.

POE (Power Over Ethernet) refers to the use of IP-based terminals (such as IP phones, wireless LAN access points AP, network cameras) without any changes to the existing Ethernet Cat.5 cabling infrastructure. Etc.) While transmitting data signals, it can also provide DC power supply technology for such devices. POE technology can ensure the normal operation of the existing network while ensuring the safety of the existing structured cabling, minimizing costs.

POE is also known as a local area network-based power supply system (POL, Power over LAN) or Active Ethernet (Active Ethernet), sometimes also referred to as Power over Ethernet for short. This is the use of existing standard Ethernet transmission cables to transmit data and data at the same time. The latest standard specification of electric power, and maintains compatibility with existing Ethernet systems and users. The IEEE 802.3af standard is a new standard based on the POE of the Ethernet power supply system. It adds related standards for direct power supply through the network cable on the basis of IEEE 802.3. It is an extension of the existing Ethernet standard and the first international standard for power distribution. standard.

Poe Ethernet Switch,2 Port Network Switch,Managed Poe Industrial Switches,Industrial Poe Ethernet Switch

Shenzhen Scodeno Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.scodenonet.com